Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Emily Jane White  Bessie Smith  Dark Undercoat  
 2. Louis Armstrong  Big Butter and Egg Man From the West w/ King Oliver and Bessie Smith  High Society   
 3. Blue Sky Boys  Little Bessie  Circle-Lonely 
 4. Blue Sky Boys  Little Bessie  Circle-Lonely 
 5. Blue Sky Boys  Little Bessie  Circle-Lonely 
 6. Alex Riel  Bessie's Blues  Rielatin' 
 7. Alex Riel  Bessie's Blues  Rielatin' 
 8. Hoagy Carmichael  Bessie Couldn't Help It  The Old Music Master 
 9. Hoagy Carmichael  Bessie Couldn't Help It  The Old Music Master  
 10. Ed Kliman  Samba For Bessie  Music From Marvin's Room 
 11. delivered by Jimmy Stewart and Claude Rains  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - The Chair Recognizes Senator Smith   
 12. Stanley El  Interview with Mama Bessie  The American Dream 
 13. delivered by Jimmy Stewart  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington: Senator Smith Collapses   
 14. delivered by Jimmy Stewart  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Smith Continues Filibuster   
 15. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Hosted by Nathan Wright  Paul Smith, Emma Smith History  Legacy 
 16. Robert Trucksess - American guitar  Flow gently sweet afton & Bonnie, sweet Bessie  Edison Diamond Disc 50994-R 
 17. Rod Smith  Rod Smith at the ICA  ICA UPenn / Oct-18-2003 
 18. Fragile Battleship  Smith  Untitled 
 19. Corey  Smith    
 20. Fading Ways www.atoris.kz  TV Smith - Not in my name (UK)  Balance 
 21. DJ Salty Dog  All About Will Smith   
 23. Rod Smith  Rod Smith at the ICA  ICA UPenn / Oct-17-2003 
 24. Rod Smith  Rod Smith at the ICA  ICA UPenn / Oct-18-2003 
 25. dj silent[categoryFive]  smith!   
 26. Vito Di Modugno  Mr. Smith  Con Alma 
 27. Rod Smith  Rod Smith at the ICA  ICA UPenn / Oct-17-2003 
 28. WU TANG CLAN  Smith Brothers  Return Of The Swarm 
 29. Carl Smith  Carl Smith - Hey Joe   
 30. Carl Smith  Carl Smith - You Are The One   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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